Black Latte Customer Reviews

Black Latte

What is Black Latte?

Black Latte is a means to ensure weight loss without harming your health. It has a powdery consistency, which makes the weight loss process simple and clear. The products have been awarded a quality certificate: the document confirms that the product is harmless to the body and effective in eliminating excess pounds.

Since the product is not in the form of pharmacy medication, those around you will not know about the weight loss program. The action of the fat-burning concentrate replaces the effect of going to the gym and following a strict diet.

Is it scam or legit?

Based on my personal experience and customer reviews, I believe that Black Latte is not a scam.
Customer Rating: 4.5
Author's Rating: 4.6
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How does it really work?

Drug characteristics: 5
The effectiveness of the drug: 4.7

The Black Latte slimming drug suppresses appetite, which helps prevent excess calories and further body weight gain. The components of the product dissolve fatty tissue and normalize the digestive process. The ingredients accelerate lymphatic circulation within the tissues, gradually eliminating cellulite. The peculiarity of the concentrate is that it creates favorable conditions in the body for the prevention of repetitive weight gain.


  • Confirmed by doctors
  • Experts advise
  • Natural composition

Instruction: How to use?

Ease of application: 4.9

The duration of the weight loss program leaves 30 days. To get rid of excess weight, Black Latte should be taken as follows: 2 tablespoons of fat burning powder dissolved in water (250 ml), stir well, avoiding the formation of sludge. Drink the product without dividing a portion into several parts. Take the concentrate daily, once a day, half an hour before breakfast.

Information - Black Latte
Product Name Black Latte
Official site www.Black Latte.com
Price $
Delivery time 5-14 days
Composition 100% natural. Not a drug
Customer Reviews Positive


Packing quality: 4.6
Structure: 4.3

The Black Latte slimming agent contains only effective components, each of which fulfills an important function:

  • Activated carbon - removes toxins and slag from the body, simulates figure and normalizes body weight.
  • L-carnitine - eliminates cellulite, maintains skin tone, prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the epithelium.
  • Coconut milk - normalizes the activity of all body systems.
  • Omega 3 - corrects appetite, prevents the use of excess calories.
  • The product contains substances that can be taken even in the presence of chronic diseases. The manufacturers of Black Latte products have taken into account that at the time of starting the weight loss program, a person suffers from multiple disorders - heart disease, joint disease, digestive system.
  • The drug is characterized by good tolerance, does not cause side effects and normalizes body weight is not due to the stimulation of a laxative effect.


Does Black Latte have any side effects?

According to our data and customer feedback, if the indications and contraindications are followed, then Black Latte has no obvious side effects.

Where can I find the official Black Latte website?

The manufacturer and the official Black Latte website can be found at link below.

Can I buy Black Latte in a pharmacy?

Unfortunately not. You can only buy original products from the manufacturer's website, this is the only authorized distributor.

How can I order Black Latte?

To place an order, all you have to do is fill in the official form, enter your name, surname and mobile phone number. A representative of the company, with whom you can request the information you are interested in, will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your order, and in a few days you will receive the product directly at your home and payment on delivery.

In which countries is it sold?

Black Latte is sold in all countries. You can order delivery to any place convenient for you.

How long does delivery take?

On average, delivery takes 5-7 days, but can take up to 14 days.


Product nameAuthor's RatingCustomer Rating
Black Latte 4.6 4.5
Crave Burner 4.6 4.4
Matcha Extreme 4.6 4.7

Indications for use

Black Latte coffee is recommended for the following cases:
  • overweight;
  • fat breakdown;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and toxins;
  • cellulite elimination.


Black Latte has no contraindications, except for pregnancy, lactation and childhood. In addition, hypersensitivity to certain ingredients may occur.

Doctor's review

To my patients who love coffee, I recommend the unique Black Latte product. It helps to lose weight, invigorate and cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances. According to my observations, the fat layer decreases after a few days of admission, cellulite disappears and puffiness disappears. The whole body is healed in a safe way, which is very important in the process of weight loss.


Price: 4.4

Black Latte is sold on the official website at a price of 39$

Where to buy Black Latte in UK, USA and other countries?

Delivery speed: 4.5
Date Modified:

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 english reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Black Latte:
4.5 / 5

Are there any negative reviews about Black Latte?

We did not find any confirmed negative reviews for Black Latte among customers.
Attention, beware of fakes! Customers are advised to buy on the official website
My friend suggested trying a special slimming coffee, but I was skeptical about it. I love coffee, but I could not believe that it will help to get rid of extra pounds. I have been drinking this drink all my life, but the weight is worth it. A friend explained that this is a special Black Latte coffee, which contains useful components that have a positive effect on the body. I decided to trust her and we purchased this innovative product. What was my surprise when, after a few days, I felt that my skirt became looser. In general, I felt incredible lightness and cheerfulness. Of course, I was glad of this effect. It is a pity that this coffee cannot be drunk all the time. It is intended for course admission.
The nutritionist advised me the healing Black Latte coffee so that I could lose a few pounds before going on vacation. I am not a coffee lover, but decided to give it a try. When I started taking it, I realized that it is very different from regular coffee. The drink has a pronounced pleasant taste, which I liked immediately. It perfectly satiates and dulls the feeling of hunger. Thanks to him, I threw off a few pounds and got rid of cellulite.
I love working out in the gym in my spare time and there I heard about the miraculous coffee that reduces weight. I decided to try it, but not because I suffer from extra pounds. I wanted to improve my body shape and remove cellulite. I liked the drink. I felt lightness throughout my body and a surge of energy.

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