
Instructions: How to cure the skin of the face?

To stay young for a long time, you need to make an effort. You need to eat right, lead an active lifestyle and take care of your skin. In the modern world, there are a large number of anti-aging procedures that do not harm the body and help prolong youth.

List of skin rejuvenation methods

The most popular methods of skin rejuvenation are:
  • Peelings. They are performed to get rid of various defects on the skin - post-acne, scars, scars, reduce pigmentation, improve permeability, turgor, effectively cleanse pores from pollution.
  • Microcurrent therapy. With the help of a special device that delivers current pulses, the skin is affected. As a result, metabolic processes in tissues improve, puffiness disappears, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes smooth and moisturized.
  • Laser peeling. The procedure is designed for a facelift with a laser. The surface layer of the skin is effectively eliminated, the regeneration process is started, wrinkles are smoothed out, scars disappear, pigmentation disappears. The skin acquires a healthy glow, becomes young and elastic.
  • Biorevitalization. For its implementation, injections with hyaluronic acid are used. The procedure eliminates cosmetic defects, eliminates wrinkles and prevents their appearance, improves metabolic processes in the epidermis.
  • Plasmolifting. One of the most popular methods, which is to rejuvenate without the use of injections. Helps to get rid of the effects of acne, pigmentation, small scars, eliminates acne and fights wrinkles. The skin becomes hydrated and supple.
  • Plasma filling. An innovative method that improves the relief of the face, correcting various defects. The procedure tightens the skin, moisturizes and gives it radiance. The gel used for plasma filling nourishes the skin and starts the natural regeneration process.

Rejuvenation with natural products

The sooner a person begins to take care of his skin, the longer he will be able to maintain youth and beauty.With the help of natural preparations that are taken orally and cosmetics applied to the skin, excellent results can be achieved. Products with a natural composition have no contraindications, they act gently, but effectively - they get rid of wrinkles, tighten the skin and provide a healthy glow.

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