Eyevita Plus Customer Reviews

Eyevita Plus

What is Eyevita Plus?

Eyevita Plus is a complex drug designed specifically to maintain eye health and improve vision at any age. It contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which play an important role in maintaining visual health and preventing various diseases.

Is it scam or legit?

Based on my personal experience and customer reviews, I believe that Eyevita Plus is not a scam.
Customer Rating: 4.6
Author's Rating: 4.3
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How does it really work?

Drug characteristics: 4.6
The effectiveness of the drug: 4.3

Eyevita Plus has a complex effect on the eyes:

  • helps reduce eye irritation and inflammation;
  • reduces eye fatigue after prolonged work in front of a computer monitor or watching TV;
  • effectively combats the symptoms of dry eyes;
  • maintains normal levels of collagen in the eyes;
  • reduces the risk of developing degenerative pathologies of the visual organs several times;
  • normalizes the functioning of the lacrimal glands and the production of tear fluid;
  • helps improve visual acuity and strengthen the retina;
  • protects the eyes from the blue spectrum of visible light radiation.

Eyevita Plus helps strengthen blood vessels, improves blood circulation and protects cells from the oxidative process in the eyes. In addition, the drug saturates the visual organs with all the necessary nutrients.


  • Confirmed by doctors
  • Experts advise
  • Natural composition
  • Opinions of popular people
  • Reviews in the media

Instruction: How to use?

Ease of application: 4.5

It is recommended to take Eyevita Plus one capsule per day during meals. The medicine should be taken with a sufficient amount of water

Information - Eyevita Plus
Product Name Eyevita Plus
Official site www.Eyevita Plus.com
Price 39$
Delivery time 5-14 days
Composition 100% natural. Not a drug
Customer Reviews Positive


Packing quality: 4.2
Structure: 4.7

The composition of the drug Eyevita Plus includes the following components:

  • Vitamin A helps maintain the health of the cornea and retina;
  • vitamin C not only strengthens the blood vessels of the eyes, but also improves blood circulation in them;
  • vitamin E effectively protects the cells of the organ of vision from the effects of free radicals;
  • zinc takes an active part in the synthesis of rhodopsin, which is necessary for normal vision in the dark;
  • delphinidin helps restore normal tear production and cope with dry eye syndrome;
  • Ginkgo biloba leaf extract prevents degenerative eye pathologies in elderly patients, improves blood circulation and protects against the destructive oxidative process in tissues;
  • riboflavin effectively fights cataracts, glaucoma and keratoconus, and also helps cope with eye fatigue;
  • blueberry extract helps reduce the risk of developing vision pathologies, supports the normal functioning of the retina and stabilizes the level of collagen in the eyes;
  • lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that help protect the retina from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Eyevita Plus is a medicinal product that contains 9 high quality natural ingredients. All of them have been repeatedly tested for effectiveness and safety.


Does Eyevita Plus have any side effects?

According to our data and customer feedback, if the indications and contraindications are followed, then Eyevita Plus has no obvious side effects.

Where can I find the official Eyevita Plus website?

The manufacturer and the official Eyevita Plus website can be found at link below.

Can I buy Eyevita Plus in a pharmacy?

Unfortunately not. You can only buy original products from the manufacturer's website, this is the only authorized distributor.

How can I order Eyevita Plus?

To place an order, all you have to do is fill in the official form, enter your name, surname and mobile phone number. A representative of the company, with whom you can request the information you are interested in, will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your order, and in a few days you will receive the product directly at your home and payment on delivery.

In which countries is it sold?

Eyevita Plus is sold in all countries. You can order delivery to any place convenient for you.

How long does delivery take?

On average, delivery takes 5-7 days, but can take up to 14 days.


Product nameAuthor's RatingCustomer Rating
Eyevita Plus 4.3 4.6
Visiorax 4.6 4.2

Indications for use

Eyevita Plus is recommended for the following indications:
  • decrease in vision due to age-related changes;
  • prevention of cataract development;
  • increased load on the visual organs when working at a computer or reading in low light;
  • visual impairment due to lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet.


You should stop using the drug in the following cases:
  • individual intolerance to the components included in the drug;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Doctor's review

“I consider Eyevita Plus an effective drug that I recommend for use by patients of all ages. I have been working as an ophthalmologist for a long time and I want to say that the product is well tolerated and effective in treating many eye pathologies. The effect can already be seen 3 days after starting use. Very well tolerated, does not cause allergic reactions, burning or blurred vision. Eyevita Plus is a very affordable drug and combines well with other prescribed medications.


Price: 4

Eyevita Plus is sold on the official website at a price of 39$

Where to buy Eyevita Plus in UK, USA and other countries?

Delivery speed: 4.1

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 english reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Eyevita Plus:
4.6 / 5

Are there any negative reviews about Eyevita Plus?

We did not find any confirmed negative reviews for Eyevita Plus among customers.
Attention, beware of fakes! Customers are advised to buy on the official website
“Basically, I don’t have any problems with my eyes. However, from sitting at the computer for a long time, I developed severe fatigue and dry eyes at the end of the day. I bought you an eye product called Eyevita Plus. Reviews about it on the Internet are mostly positive. Many said that taking capsules helps maintain normal eye condition and prevent vision loss when working at a computer. I take the drug once a day and have already noticed results. The eyes became much more comfortable, and dryness and fatigue disappeared.
“I think Eyevita Plus is an excellent vitamin product. I used to get colds quite often and my eyes became especially sensitive. After a course of the drug, irritation and lacrimation during colds disappeared. It seems to me that my visual system has become stronger and saturated with vitamins. I recommend Eyevita Plus to all my friends and family.
“I take Eyevita Plus in courses twice a year to prevent any eye diseases and saturate them with vitamins. I have had redness, dryness, eye fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms for many years now. The course of treatment is only one month, but it is worth it. The condition of the whole body after such prevention is simply excellent. I am sure that Eyevita Plus has a positive effect not only on the visual organs, but also on brain activity, and on the entire body as a whole.

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