MaleExtra Customer Reviews


What is MaleExtra?

MaleExtra is a natural supplement that helps men to stimulate libido and improve erections so that they last long during intercourse. Therefore, MaleExtra helps man to improve and increase his orgasm for a long time, so he will experience and satisfy all his sexual needs. For these reasons, you become confident, active, and interested in sex.

It is the dream of every man to live a healthy, strong and active sex life. However, many gentlemen are challenged to achieve and maintain this dream due to a weak erection and poor sexuality functions. Therefore, they face fear, anxiety and stress because they consider themselves inferior in sexual matters. Once a male reaches this point he is likely to lose all sexual arousal and confidence.

However, there is hope for men with weak sexual functions because there are sexual supplement pills available in the market all over the world that help to boost and improve male sex life. One of these popular and best supplements widely used in the world by men is MaleExtra.

Several problems cause poor sexual performance, some of them are poor blood circulation in the genitals, genital infections, stress, hormonal imbalance, and low self-esteem among others. However, there is no need to worry because maleextra supplement is here for you to bring a solution to all these problems you face in sexual matters.

Is it scam or legit?

Based on my personal experience and customer reviews, I believe that MaleExtra is not a scam.
Customer Rating: 4.4
Author's Rating: 4.6
Read Customer Reviews Check price

How does it really work?

Drug characteristics: 4.6
The effectiveness of the drug: 4.8

This supplement works in various ways as follows; Increased levels of blood flow to the genitals for this will facilitate full penile erection, increased sexual moods and orgasm, and rejuvenation and nourishment of penile cells so that you can control your ejaculations.


  • Fast shipping
  • Low price
  • Confirmed by doctors
  • Experts advise
  • Natural composition

Instruction: How to use?

Ease of application: 5

Using MaleExtra is simple and accurate for any man in the world. Here are the steps of how to use this product:

  1. Take three MaleExtra supplement pills in one day. The first pill in the morning, the second pill at noon, and the third pill at night.
  2. Drink a glass of water while taking each pill.
  3. Always take the supplement with a meal.
  4. Take the supplement regularly for a whole month to get effective results.

Information - MaleExtra
Product Name MaleExtra
Official site www.MaleExtra.com
Price $
Delivery time 5-14 days
Composition 100% natural. Not a drug
Customer Reviews Positive


Packing quality: 4.7
Structure: 4.3

The Male Extra supplement is extracted from natural plants. Therefore, these ingredients will supply your body with natural supplements that will regenerate your sexual well-being. Here are the six components of the MaleExtra:

  • Vitamin B3. Vitamin B3 is also known as niacin and it helps to expand all the blood vessels in the genitals, so you can maintain an erection for a long time thanks to adequate blood flow in the genitals.
  • Citrate. Citrate is also known as zinc and it helps increase the production of the hormone testosterone.
  • Cordyceps. This ingredient is extracted from herbs and helps to awaken male sexual desires.
  • Methionine Most men are challenged to control their ejaculation and find that they have an untimely ejaculation and this leaves them dissatisfied during sex. However, methionine helps a man to control his ejaculation and to achieve specific ejaculations during intercourse.
  • L-Arginine. This is another amazing component that helps a man to build and maintain his erections for a long time during intercourse.
  • Ellagic. Ellagic is also known as pomegranate and helps increase blood circulation and movement of the genitals.


Does MaleExtra have any side effects?

According to our data and customer feedback, if the indications and contraindications are followed, then MaleExtra has no obvious side effects.

Where can I find the official MaleExtra website?

The manufacturer and the official MaleExtra website can be found at link below.

Can I buy MaleExtra in a pharmacy?

Unfortunately not. You can only buy original products from the manufacturer's website, this is the only authorized distributor.

How can I order MaleExtra?

To place an order, all you have to do is fill in the official form, enter your name, surname and mobile phone number. A representative of the company, with whom you can request the information you are interested in, will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your order, and in a few days you will receive the product directly at your home and payment on delivery.

In which countries is it sold?

MaleExtra is sold in all countries. You can order delivery to any place convenient for you.

How long does delivery take?

On average, delivery takes 5-7 days, but can take up to 14 days.


Product nameAuthor's RatingCustomer Rating
MaleExtra 4.6 4.4
MagnaRX 4.8 4.5
GigantX 4.7 4.5

Indications for use

The drug for potency is recommended for use in the following cases:
  • disorders in the circulatory or endocrine system;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • psychogenic problems - loss of potency due to stress, anxiety.


The capsules have no contraindications due to their natural composition. In rare cases, individual intolerance to the active ingredients may occur.

Doctor's review

Erectile dysfunction occurs for various reasons and it is not always possible for a man to cope with the problem on his own. I recommend MaleExtra, which is able to eliminate the disease in a short period. It restores all functions in men and has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Thanks to this tool, most of my patients were able to feel like full-fledged male representatives again.


Price: 4.5

MaleExtra is sold on the official website at a price of 39$

Where to buy MaleExtra in UK, USA and other countries?

Delivery speed: 4.6
Date Modified:

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 english reviews on our site, the average rating for this product MaleExtra:
4.4 / 5

Are there any negative reviews about MaleExtra?

We did not find any confirmed negative reviews for MaleExtra among customers.
Attention, beware of fakes! Customers are advised to buy on the official website
Age-related changes occurred in my body and this affected potency. I went to the doctor and was examined. The doctor suggested that I drink capsules to increase potency and I happily agreed. I thought that all was not lost and began to drink this drug. After a while, I felt lightness and calmness, energy appeared, my mood increased. Gradually, the erection returned and there was no trace of the problems.
There were problems with potency and my wife recommended to drink special MaleExtra capsules. At first I didn’t want to accept them, I thought I could handle it myself, but it didn’t work out. I had to start a course of treatment. As a result, the potency recovered and I am very grateful to my wife that she insisted on taking the drug. Now I feel great and am in high spirits most of the time.
After a long illness, my husband and I have deteriorated sexual relations. He admitted that his potency was gone and there was discomfort in the genitals. On the advice of the doctor, he began to drink MaleExtra capsules. The result was not quick, it took a lot of patience to restore all functions in the body and the potency reappeared. I was glad that the drug has a good effect not only on the male reproductive system, but also cleanses the body of accumulated toxins and toxins, gives energy and saturates with useful substances. The husband fully recovered thanks to this remedy and our sex life improved.

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